Cervical Spondylitis
According to ayurveda, Cervical Spondylitis is a form of arthritis in the neck region which arises due to the imbalance of vata in the body. The main reason for Cervical Spondylitis is nervous weakness and mental tension. Cervical Spondylitis is a condition of the vertebral column that causes inflammation of the joints and vertebrae. In severe cases of spondylitis, the arthritis in the joints of the spine will deteriorate the joints causing the vertebrae to fuse together and limit mobility in that section of the spine.
There is some confusion that exists among people between Cervical Spondylitis and Cervical Spondylosis. Cervical Spondylitis is already explained above. Cervical Spondylosis is also a form of arthritis but it causes degeneration of the joints and vertebrae instead of inflammation. According to ayurveda, it is also caused due to the imbalance of vata in the body which causes the age related general wear and tear of the spine, such as vertebrae compressing over time and deteriorating the discs found between the vertebrae. Spondylosis can also cause the compression of the nearby nerve root, causing severe and chronic pain in the back and extremities. The degeneration happens because the fifth dhatu asthi (bone) doesnot get nurtured from the food-rasa (quality) which is responsible for the creation of the asthi (bone) dhatu. That is why degeneration continues. Our ayurvedic medicine brings about balance in the vata as well as nurtures the seven dhatus which includes the asthi (bone) dhatu. So the medicine for Cervical Spondylitis and Cervical Spondylosis is the same in ayurveda.
The name of our medicine is SPONDOX. Click the link to know more about it. To order the medicine if you are already diagnosed with cervical spondylitis / spondylosis, click the link below and fill the consultation form otherwise fill the consultation form and we will give you the diagnosis.
The symptoms of Cervical Spondylitis differ based on the severity of the condition. However the most common ones are as follows :-
1) Pain in the body parts.
2) Pain in the joints in the body.
3) Stiffness and pain in the neck region.
4) Pain and sensation in the hands and shoulders radiating through the arm.
5) Vertigo.
6) Limited mobility.
7) Strange curvature of spine.
8) Limited range of motion for spine.
9) Tingling, numbness and weakness in the extremities.
10) Acidity.
11) Motion problem.
12) Gastric trouble.
13) Nausea
Nausea is also a common symptom of cervical spondylitis.
The main cause of Cervical Spondylitis is the vikrit (polluted, imbalanced) Vata. It is mainly the imbalance of Vata that gives birth to Cervical Spondylitis as well as Spondylosis. To understand these causes and how they give birth to this disease, an understanding of Vata is required.
Vata is also known as Vaayu. In order to understand Vaayu one has to understand its quality (kala) and dosha (akala) and other functions.
1) What are the qualities of Vata?
- There are six qualities of Vata. Those are as follows :-
a) Rough, Dry.
b) Light, Nimble, Swift.
c) Cold, Numb.
d) Fearsome, Cruel, Painful, Terrible.
e) Harsh, Severe, Hot, Biting.
f) Pure, Clean, Clear, Lucid, Evident.
* Discussion – Imbibed with these qualities Vaayu enters even the minutest openings of the body. Vaayu is not stable and is always moving. If its movement stops then it becomes vikrit and creates disease.
2) What is the reason for enraged (vikrit) Vaayu?
- Vaayu gets enraged in the body from substances with same qualities and from practicing actions (karma) of similar effects. This is because practicing actions of similar qualities results in the increase of dhatus in the body.
* Discussion – The consumption of substances and practicing of actions (karma) with similar qualities as Vaayu, if is smaller than the qualities opposite to that of Vaayu then it would not result in the increase of Vaayu. But on consuming substances and practicing actions, when the quality of Vaayu is stronger in the body and opposite qualities are inferior then Vaayu will increase in the body. So when increasing the Vaayu is desired the qualities similar to Vaayu should be enhanced by intake of substances with such qualities or actions similar to Vaayu qualities should be practiced. So the person who intakes such substances or practices such actions by negligence or mistake gets the result in the form of enraged (increased) Vaayu in the body.
3) What are the reasons for calming enraged Vaayu?
- The substances with qualities opposite to qualities of Vaayu and the actions with impact also opposite to them causes the calming of enraged Vaayu. This is because the substances and actions opposite to the ones causing angered Vaayu result in the calming of dhatus.
* Discussion – The qualities opposite to the qualities of Vaayu are :-
a) Affectionate, Dear.
b) Hot, Warm.
c) Heavy.
d) Gross, Bulky, Fat, Dense.
e) Stable, Unmoving.
f) Slimy, Slippery.
g) Soft, Gentle.
4) How does the formless and unstable Vaayu get enraged and calmed?
- When the body becomes inclusive of the Vaayu enraging qualities then Vaayu settles in the body and becomes enraged while moving. Similarly, when the body becomes inclusive of the Vaayu calming qualities then Vaayu keeps moving without settling and becomes calm.
* Discussion – The question that arises here is that when Vaayu is formless and unstable then how does drug-use cause anger and calming of it because anger and calming can only be found in a tangible object. The answer to this is that Vaayu moves in the body and drug-quality is contained in the body itself. After having an inclusive relationship between drug-quality and Vaayu, the union of qualities with similarity to its own qualities results in increase of Vaayu and the union of qualities opposed to its own qualities results in decrease of Vaayu. This means that keeping a relationship with the body results in increase and decrease of Vata.
5) What are the actions of the Prakrit (healthy) Vaayu in the body and unbody?
- Vaayu contains body and mechanics of body. Vaayu is the soul of five types of Vaayu – Prana, Udaan, Samaan, Vyaan and Apaan. Vaayu is the initiator of all bodily actions. Vaayu controls the mind and also activate the mind. Vaayu activates all senses of perception to acquire their subjects. After containing all senses it takes all senses from one place to another. It arranges and forms all the dhatus of the body. It keeps them busy in their tasks and keeps them in their place and balanced in their measure. It does the processing of the body meaning the arrangement and joining of the bones and muscles in pregnancy. Vaayu activates the voice. It is the reason for touch and word. Touch perception happens due to Vaayu and origin of word is also due to Vaayu. Vaayu is the fundamental reason in the construction of ear and skin. It is responsible for happiness and joy in the body. It brings about fire in the bile juice. It dries up the doshas. It eliminates the mala (excreta, sweat, urine etc.) out of the body. It pierces all big and smallest openings in the body. This way Prakrit Vaayu is the main reason in nurturing life and age by making all bodily actions happen properly.
* Discussion – Vaayu is of prime importance in the body and that is why it is the container of the body and mechanics of the body. To contain the wholesome body this Vaayu divides itself in five parts and lives in different parts of the body to do its duty. These five parts are -
a) PranaVaayu – PranaVaayu lives in heart, chest, mouth, nose, ear, tongue, throat, brain and it keeps these body mechanisms busy in their actions.
b) UdaanVaayu – The action of UdaanVaayu has been considered to initiate the voice.
c) SamaanVaayu – The action of SamaanVaayu is to bring burning to agni.
d) VyaanVaayu – The actions of VyaanVaayu are to dry up vikrit dhatu and mala etc.
e) ApaanVaayu – The actions of ApaanVaayu are to excrete out the mala (excreta, sweat, urine etc.) and to contain the foetus in pregnancy.
6) What are the actions (karma) of the vikrit (unhealthy) Vaayu in the body?
- When the Vaayu becomes vikrit or polluted in the body it gives birth to many types of diseases in the body. It becomes the reason to destroy strength, form, joy and age. It gives sorrow to mind. It destroys the power of all senses. It destroys the foetus and pollutes or originates vikriti in it. It keeps containing the foetus for many days by drying up the foetus in the womb. It gives birth to fear, sorrow, attachment, excessive chatter, noise in the body and mind. It destroys life and age.
* Discussion – Polluted or vikrit Vaayu brings vikriti in the foetus. It means the foetus may turn into a blind, lame, dumb etc. Body. The meaning of the foetus kept in womb for many days means the lapsed, settled foetus. Angered Vaayu destroys life and age. The movement in all the bodily actions and pitta, kapha, dhatu and mala is due to Vaayu. When Vaayu becomes angered or polluted then vikriti originates in the movement of all bodily actions, pitta, kapha, dhatu and mala. As a result, various types of diseases originate and if more noise originates in the body it can cause death.